

Gilles Duhem
February 2002

It is often like this that the best records are made…tired of relying on other people, having been in various local bands in Texas, Salim and Faris Nourallah realize that definitely one can only count on oneself. The two multi-instrumentalists, with a good old eight-track, lock themselves in their home-studio, decide to create and record music which resembles to them the melodious and immediate pop they've been obsessed with since the day Sergeant Pepper's fell upon their ears. Fifty songs later, the two brothers do not speak to each other but the first eponymous album of the Nourallah Brothers is born nevertheless. And it is so much better, because it would have been quite sad if this record, full of sentimental little wonders, had remained in the state of project. Salim and Faris, both songwriters and remarkable singers, create outstanding melodies with irritating ease, that simple guitar(s)/bass/drums construction emphasize (with well-placed keyboards touches). One thinks of the Kinks with an ounce of additional innocence, an apparent naivety which makes titles like

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